Monday, June 30, 2008


Well we did it, we finally got the "toddler" pictures done. God bless Renae for putting up with us! She took these talented and beautiful pictures; while being 6 months pregnant, wading in the water yet drenched in sweat from the scorching sun and waving bright colored stuffed animals in one hand to get the kids attention and holding a fancy, expensive camera in the other, praying it doesn't fall in the water. God...blesss...her!

This is the Beiler cousins. Darlene and Jason's little ones are even in the pictures. The little babies, Bo and Cash, didn't make it into these pics but we got some cute ones of them too. No worries.

I spent Tues and Wed night sewing those little matching dresses for the girls. Nothing fancy but I thought they turned out cute anyway.


Joanna said...

Oh! So darling! Lydia looks SO grown-up...and I wouldn't have recognized Grey & Emma Kate if not for the process of elimination. Been TOO long! Nae did an excellent job! Photos to treasure for years to come. Did you do Beiler family pics, as well?

Amanda said...

So cute. Love the idea of the girls and boys outfits. Good job!