Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cutest Little Things

If this is just not the cutest little thing you've ever seen....there's somethin' wrong with ya!! The kids have really stepped up to the plate this year and have taken care of the puppies needs. Every evening the kids go to get the puppy food and this is how they are greeted. All eight puppy faces stare at the kids dipping into the puppy chow and when the can comes up full the whining starts. The kids love it!! They feel so needed!!
And every puppy needs some exercise so they take them all on a field trip to the backyard.
They've organized a "system". Trey transports them and Bre stands behind to make sure there's no "jumpers"
Right now the pups are eyeing up my plants and bushes and newly spread mulch!! They dive for it everytime!!
Down we go!!
They get tuckered out pretty quick with all these caretakers. But do ya know who they really love??!!!!
Arnie!! They flock to him like he's their daddy!

Meet the family!!






Are you in love yet?? Awwww!! They all need a home as cozy as yours!!