Friday, March 5, 2010

Through the Lens of a Little Boy

So it snowed!! It snowed a lot around these parts and it was inevitable that I would be asked to shovel at least one morning during our storm! I'll tell you what.....when momma's away (or shoveling in this instance) the mice (TREY) will play!!!
While I was shoveling my son was busy taking pictures in the house (over 50 to be exact...thank heavens for digital cameras and not the old 35mm stuff)

So, I sighed heavily in his direction then asked him why he took the photos. He proceeded to give me a narration of each and every photo. Here's a few of the favorites:
This was taken as evidence towards a crime that Bre commits on a regular basis and it literally drives Trey NUTS!!! He yells at her every time. She washes her hands and throws the towel on the floor instead of hanging it up!! So he was just collecting proof!
He said he took this to show how his socks actually matched his guitar pants. He loves socks!! He can't live without them. He will even try to wear them in the summer with flip flops!!
So the question they really match???? I'm not much of a pattern on pattern person but I'll let it slide this month!Of course this was taken to show the Mount Everest of snow we had! He thought it was a memory to put in the scrapbook. Smart boy!!This is me! He said it was funny to see me shovelling because I never lift much. Dude!!! I work out okay....sometimes...whatever!This was the kicker!! He said, "this is the box of whoopie pies aunt Lil dropped off while you were shovelling" Yum! I think to myself! What a great after shovelling snack!and this, he said....."is my face stuffed with whoopie pies!" WHAT???!!!!!!! I have no idea how many pies our aunt baked for us but it looked like at least 3 were missing!! (he couldn't remember how many he ate....that's not a good sign)

1 comment:

nw said...

This is a treasure. Trey if you are going to be so organized maybe you should think "accountant".

:) Happy days....