Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall is Fun!

Even though I know I will have a sore back and blistered hands I still love to rake leaves. It's one of the first signs that fall is here to stay. So, every year I tell Arlan to put his leaf blower away because the kids and I will tackle this project. However, the kids version of "helping" and my version of "Helping" are different. I raked the pile and they raked it back into the yard. And Charcoal, well Charcoal just tackled everyone into the leaves and stole my rakes.

I found the kids exhausted after all the leaves were picked up and taking a nap with Charcoal under the shade tree. Sooooo cute!

Then the next evening we carved our pumpkins. Notice the different "scooping" techniques that the kids chose to use.

Of course Breanne loves to get dirty so she uses her hands and Trey doesn't like "slimmy" messes so he uses the spoon. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Arlan's pumpkin is the "traditional" one on the left. Trey wanted a doggie this year so his is in the middle and Bre wanted a kitty pumpkin but she insisted on picking the tiniest and toughest skinned pumpkin in the whole patch and we could only successfully cut out two little eyes for her cat and wouldn't attempt to cut off a finger getting the nose and whiskers done. Sorry sunshine maybe next year!

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