Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter Wonderful!

How wonderful for the snow to start falling this morning. Every evening Trey prays for supper and he always adds something at the end about "thank you for the snow". His prayer was finally answered.

Breanne insisted on NOT wearing gloves which of course, bit her in the butt when they went numb. She spent the rest of her time out there eating clumps of snow. As long as it wasn't yellow I didn't stop her!

The kids built their first real snowman this evening. Trey was definately in to it more than Bre. I think he's really proud of his little frosty the snowman.


Anonymous said...

oh my lands, how stinkin' adorable! i can't wait till madelyn can truly enjoy a snow day with me. what fun. i hope you enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa afterwards.

Amanda said...

It's so cute to hear the faith of a child thanking God for the snow even if there isn't any. You guys are raising them right! My feelings are exactly with Trey's. I've been wanting snow since we came back from Manitoba and we finally got about 2" last night. It finally gives us a new landscape to look at instead of brown and yellow.

Joanna said...

I think y'all actually have more snow than we do! Mom called me last night--she was all excited & hoping for a bunch more. :) We actually got rain last night that melted a lot of our snow. I love to watch children romp in snow, as long as I can watch through the window. ;)