Thursday, July 12, 2007

Big Blue Eyed Girl!

Breanne is now 1-1/2 years old and into everything. She follows Trey around like a little puppy and has to do everything he does. We will find her climbing up the tractors and turning on all the knobs, the volume buttons and the lights. There's nothing like turning the key and having music blarring at you while all the lights are blinking and buzzing noises filling the cab.

Breanne loves animals and insects of all kinds. She's chased our steers, run after the toads and our barn cats are never safe from her clutches. Nothing is too big or too slimy, she reaches for them all.

She is our darling blue eyed beauty with a bunch of sass. I'd like to say that I don't know where the sassy personality came from but we all have and idea of who she favors!

1 comment:

Words Can't Express How Beautiful It Is! said...

Hi Dana,
I've heard that your daughter favors you!!! That's great!
Thanks for the blog fun! I started one for my mom's (Siemens) side of the family so we can all stay connected! It's fun - when people post! I have a YWAM one, but it's not quite as fun as a blog, so we'll see. I am on facebook though - so we'll see. Thanks again for the updates on your beautiful family! I didn't see a picture of you on there though..... I'm currently getting a porch on the deck infront of my cabin! Finally! I'll be moving off base this fall and house sitting for about 8 months - hopefully that'll help me move off base permanently! Green Card still in process - would love to travel overseas this fall, so we'll see! Luv you guys! Pamela Jane