Thursday, May 28, 2009

Multiple Babies

There are babies of all sorts at our home right now. On Friday morning I took the kids for a "surprise" at the amish neighbors. They were giving away some kittens so I let the kids each pick their own kitten. They were so excited to have a new, energetic playmate. They literally suffocated them with "attention" for 3 days straight!!Trey picked the white kitty with black spots (go figure....he LOVES the color black) and decided to name it Kicky. Don't ask, we have no idea where that name came from.Breanne picked the white kitty with orange spots and decided to name hers Kara. (Kara S. are you honored or what. Everything is Kara this....., Kara that..... right now. So cute!)
Then on Monday morning we noticed signs of Charcoal getting ready to give birth to her puppies. At lunch Arlan went to the barn to get a bale of hay and heard some soft whimpering and looked down to find a wet little pup under a clump of hay. So, Arlan went looking for Charcoal and sure enough she dug a hole in the hay at the back of the barn and by supper we had 7 little pups to adore.
So I guess we will have 6 more weeks of playful fun with these little girls and boys before they find a good home. Anyone out there want a little black Lab?


Amanda said...

I miss life on the farm with all the spring babies.

Anonymous said...

I am deeply honored, although surprised it was brie who wanted to name her kitty after me, because it was Trey I was last trying to trick into naming his next choo choo after me (Kara the choo choo). Oh well, a kitty will do. HONORED!
Miss you.

nw said...

So cute Dana - your blog is so much fun.

nw said...
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