Thursday, January 29, 2009

Apron Itch

I've got it again. The itch to make another apron. A girlfriend of mine asked me to make her little girl, Zoe, an apron and I was excited to take up the challenge.

This little number is what I came up with!! (still needs some fine tuning but I'll get there)

As you can tell, Breanne, just loves when I hunt her down for a modeling job.


Anonymous said...

that is adorable. absolutely precious. great job. i would love on for madelyn eventually, i can certainly pay you for materials and your time.


Jena said...

Girl- I love that apron, I have been into aprons this winter too, I just made a couple a couple of weeks ago... do you have pattern for that one, or did you just figure it out? I would love to do one for Bailey...
Do you do a lot of patterns, or do you just figure stuff out? I have always just figured stuff out, but I am now trying to learn how to sew with patterns and really get better....
I have a couple of dresses that I want to make for Bailey for the summer....(sorry this comment got so long.. I could talk sewing quite a bit, I am realizing...)
BTW, how did Trey's cake turn out?

Shar said...

Sorry I haven't commented before this! That apron is adorable and Zoe is going to love it! (Please let me know how much I owe you!) Thanks so much for doing it...looking forward to seeing you a bit more once this baby is out! Playdate is needed for sure...

The lady of the house... said...

dana, PLEASE SELL THESE SOMEWHERE. you could make money and have fun, people should have these...they are just so sweet. oh man, i hear little feet upstairs, feet that are to be in bed!!!!
see ya!