Thursday, January 29, 2009

Apron Itch

I've got it again. The itch to make another apron. A girlfriend of mine asked me to make her little girl, Zoe, an apron and I was excited to take up the challenge.

This little number is what I came up with!! (still needs some fine tuning but I'll get there)

As you can tell, Breanne, just loves when I hunt her down for a modeling job.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wonderful Day

This weekend my sister in law invited us to her family's cabin and we all had a load of fun. It had snowed quite a bit before we got there and large snowflakes fell all day Sunday giving us plenty of winter wonderland.
The temps were extremely low but the kids insisted on bundling up and playing in the snow with their sleds anyway.
The boys looked like they were ready to rob a bank and Bre looked like a huge marshmallows! We also got the four wheelers out for a few laps around the cabin and to our surprise the kids couldn't get enough of it despite the cold wind in their face.

And we followed the Stumpf family tradition and ventured out to the Honey Creek Inn for a hardy breakfast! One of those good old, no bells or whistles, mom and pop restaurants! Thanks "James" and Lisa for a relaxing and cozy weekend!!

To our surprise it kept snowing here in Lancaster and our pond was finally fit to skate on so we took the kids out today for a few laps around the pond. The Coleman cousins were over as well and it was a fun family affair.

Bre wasn't sure about the ice skates so she opted for a sled ride instead.

Trey, however, was dying to try on Lydia's skates and did pretty well on them but commented that he needs "black" ones like his daddy.
Arlan of course was zipping around the pond, dreaming of a competitive game of ice hockey with Charcoal hot on his tail!! They both got a work out.
And every playtime out in the snow must end with a creamy mug of cocoa to warm our insides. Ahhh, the ho-hum days of snow.