Saturday, December 6, 2008

Apron Extravaganza!

Well, I did it! After months of endulging in my love affair with my "Singer" I ended up with this flirty little aprons!!! I decided to practice and tune up some of my sewing skills by whipping up some aprons for my fabulous girlfriends. It was so fun to shop for fabric and plan out a different apron for each girl. Four of the girls in the photo are pregnant but they still look stunning in their strings!!
This weekend I sent 8 more aprons to a Christmas open house event and 5 of them were sold in the first 2 hours. What an encouragement! But all in all I loved doing it and girls, I hope you make lots of dinners and desserts with them and think of me everytime you throw them in the washer.
Rachel and Kara we missed you that night but you weren't forgotten!


Sarah Gingrich said...

These aprons are lovely, Dana!!! Beautiful work!!

Anonymous said...

you did an amazing job. anxious to see mine. (and see you)

Anonymous said...

i was thinking, you should make a "manly-man" one for clark, since he's the cook, especially these days. hee hee

wyofaith said...

Dana- these aprons are so cool- I love how different they all are! That said, I need a new post! :)