This post comes a little late but over the 4th of July we packed up and joined our Sunday school class for a weekend camping trip. It's a hands down favorite vacation time for our kids. They love playing with their friends all day long and being in the woods! Now some of you might say we aren't really "camping" with our home away from home but it sure makes camping more comfortable and cleaner (big winning factor for me)
The kids literally rode their bikes from sun up till sun down.
The kids literally rode their bikes from sun up till sun down.
Our camper sat right at the top of a hill and they loved speeding down it and pushing the bikes back up.
Breanne, however, needed to be "better" then the boys and carry her bike up instead of push to obviously prove she's a big girl.
If the kids weren't biking they were climbing trees.............
..............Or boating
Every evening of camping needs to be wrapped up will a little burnt marshmellow on a stick!! My own personal, sticky favorite!