Monday, December 24, 2007

Hospital Christmas

It has been a rough week for us especially with Christmas just hours away. Trey got sick with the stomach virus last Thursday and unfortunately it got so bad that he got severly dehydrated and couldn't keep even the slightest drop of water down. By the second day of getting sick he started getting very weary, and unresponsive so the doctors admitted him to the hospital. Within 36 hours he was much better but it was heartbreaking seeing him in so much pain and discomfort.

We are happy to have him home just in time for Christmas and he is doing much better!
Everyone have a healthy and happy Christmas holiday!!


Sarah Gingrich said...

Praise God he's doing well and can be home for Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

clark had told me that trey was sick when he stopped by last week, i'm glad to hear he is doing well and home again. that picture reminds me of madelyn's 24 hour hospital stay back in june. she had a similar pajama set, but in pink and also sat in the same little crib, watching television. what a blessing healthy children are, may we never take it for granted.

Anonymous said...

so glad to know that everything is you, shar

The lady of the house... said...

oh Dana, so thankful to hear that all is well with you guys again. We've had the stomach bug here too, so gross!!! Poor little guys, I'd hear them cough at night and then quickly run over to try to "catch" their....well, you know before it got all over the place! we're now in the green poop phase! ugh! I am sure Trey got soooo skinny, so quickly. He's already tiny and it doesn't take long for those little bodies to "waste away." That always amazes me, how fast they loose their "round belly." If I would have to be sick for a few days to get rid of mine, I just might take you up on that. Well, a very Merry New Year to you and yours! Can't wait to hear about your Christmas! :-)

Joanna said...

We were SO sad to not see y'all when we were in Lancaster. We considered stopping in on Sunday night with Bre's gift, but since you'd just gotten home from the hosp., we figured you were probably all tired out & therefore didn't need a visit from 2 wild boys! :) The boys were so sad to hear about Trey being in the hospital. We'll have to make another visit to Lancaster soon & make sure to get in some playtime with Trey & Bre so that they know each other! Hope you're all healthy & happy now! Love you all! ~Joanna