It's amazing how the time flies. My little girl just turned the big kid 2!

Breanne it completely and totally smitten with kittens right now so it was only proper that I go overboard with a Hello Kitty theme this year! She also knows one color and it is
PINK! So all the food, ice cream and drinks were...........Pink! (Those of you who know me, know I am not a best friend to the color pink but you'll do anything for your kids.)

Breanne's aunt LaLa (Arlans baby sister) got her a toy, pet kitten with a carry cage and all; and she absolutely loves this thing. She's been toting it around everywhere. She even took it to the doctors office today and showed it off to everyone.
Anyway, Bre is growing up in so many ways. In her talk and in her actions. It's sad to see my baby not a baby anymore but I look forward, with much anticipation, to each day of this next year. She is precious to us in so many ways and miss her as a 1 year old but love her as a 2 year old.