Saturday, January 1, 2011

Party Time

We had a holiday party to celebrate Christmas and New Years with our church youth group this past week. And we came filled with holiday spirit!!

It was an ugly Christmas sweater night....any guesses who won???

Then there was the ever popular human snowball making race.........

The ornament relay race................

Acting out the 12 Days of Christmas..........................

And no party is complete without a good old fashioned game of santa beard making.

And Trey closed out the evening by leading the group with a little caroling. (I'd call it Christmas caroling but the songs were ....of a different variety.

Other sweater runner ups!

Christmas Come and Gone

Did Christmas fly by or was it just me? I want a do over!

The excitement is just building by the second as mom fiddles with the camera to get just the right lighting!

By the time the picture actually took and I viewed it on the play back screen, I blinked, and did you see it????? yep, it's over and the floor is covered in brightly colored red and gold wrapping paper. The kids got headphones for Christmas and a Wii. I'm shocked they wanted to try out the head phones first. Go figure!!

Gliding Around

It's been cold around here, really, really cold. Which is bone chilling but wonderful for ice skating on our pond. The amish neighbor boys are out in droves, crowding the ice with vicious games of hockey and our kids are staring in awe, anxious to skate as good as them.

But it's not long before their little butts are cold and sore from all the falls so it's time to just horse around.

We always start with some structured practice techniques and end up..................practicing some dangerous stunts.

While the boys search for dead fish that were frozen under the thick layer of ice.

And just when you think the ice skating was contained to the pond....think again

out come the roller skates till it's time to go out to the pond again.

Slide on Down the Rainbow

Well we now have a 5 year old on our hands! It was Bre's birthday a few weeks ago and she wanted a "rainbow" party. Believe it or not but the decorated cake was all Bre's idea, she knew exactly where she wanted the rainbow, clouds and rain drops. I thought it was extremelly creative!!

She even did a few of the clouds and the dots on the rainbow

If you look closely at that slice of cake you'll see what the inside looked like!!

RAINBOW TIE-DYE" (so easy to make and so pretty to look at....the #5 anyone?)

Then we decorated the tables with puffy clouds, an arched rainbow and a bowl of skittles.

She got so many nice gifts but the biggest one was an American Girl Doll.

What a fun evening we had and what a great celebration of the wonderful life we all were blessed with.... Breanne. We love you!