Trey has entered Kindergarten!!! He loves it and I am trying to love it too. He begs to go on the bus even though I always volunteer to take the 7 minute drive for him. (When he's 13 and begging me to drive him I'll need to retrieve this from the vault)
The first day of school was for students and their parents so we went together and walked the classroom, met his teacher and tried out the playground. We wrapped up the orientation with a trip to the cafeteria and that's when it happened people....the walls started closing chest got tight and heavy and the stinging in my eyes...oh the just wouldn't go away. So I whipped out my folded "parent paper" and started fanning the tears away.
I'm such a goober....but there was nothing I could do about it .
So Trey spends his afternoons reassuring me that "big boys are meant to do this" and somehow and at some point I'll get it! Right?
You can barely see him but he's coming off the bus and ....that's right....that young guy is his teacher!! Trey says he's great...........he better be!! (but not better then me!)